Wednesday, January 20, 2010

bad day

Today was such a bad day! First, at P.E, I was about to catch a frisbe but this stupid guy jumps in front of me and drops the frisbe and I fall on my knee and it hert soooo bad I almost cried. Then I have this hard test in sciense then I got a C on a quiz. Then my teacher said I had sloppy handwriting, then everyone walks on my $40 jacket. Ya it was a bad day. And then I missed my bf cause I went to go to a trailer to get this info on acting, when I get there she dosent even have it, so went there for nothing! Gosh it was a bad day!!!! Well I gtg

Monday, January 18, 2010

mean sister

If your reading this maddie im not blogging about him hugging me ok?:P Youth group was fun there was a band and they played for the whole time I got tired of standing thats it by

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hey how is everyone? Im good. Derick said he would hug me on tuesday and HE said that not me maddy if your reading this. I might go over to his house today I hope so. We dont have school monday thankfully. My bf is on the tennis team. Thats my 2nd favorite sport. My 1st favorite sport is danceing. Im waiting for my bf to call.........well um ya thats it by

Friday, January 15, 2010


Hey everyone! my bf didnt hug me but awell. the tests were good i did good. I can say" i love" in sign languge. Its cool well thats it by! :P

Thursday, January 14, 2010

im excited

Hey! Me and Allie are friends again. She said that my bf might hug me tomorrow! eee! I have a science quiz and social studies quiz tomorrow. I'm ready for both of them! My mom is in the mountains right now. I'm bored right now. Well that's all!

Allie your the best!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Ysterday night I had an awsome time. Me, my sister and her friend went to a thing at my church. My bf was there and it was fun there wasnt much to do but it was still fun. First we play frisbe but there were just teenagers were there so they didnt pass it to uss. Then we um, watched people play guiater hero, then played catch phrase, then there was singing and it was cool. It look like a real concert. well ttyl! :P

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Great now my bff is mad at me or sad. I mean I dindnt know she liked this guy. I have to go so by